John Cooper Clarke Comes In Praise Of Arctic Monkeys

The Bard Of Salford delivers electrifying recitation of I Wanna Be Yours, the poem remade by Arctic Monkeys on AM.

John Cooper Clarke Comes In Praise Of Arctic Monkeys

LEGENDARY MANCUNIAN PUNK POET and walking tribute to Don’t Look Back – John Cooper Clarke – has a appeared in a short internet video, strutting his inimitable stuff and congratulating Sheffield “beat combo” Arctic Monkeys for their sensitive cover version of his poem I Wanna Be Yours. Looking dapper but affecting the title Dr (of what? Divinity perhaps), he talks about the thoughts behind his original lyric – penned for his 1982 album, Zip Style Method – and his admiration for the Arctic Monkeys’ melodic update, which concludes their excellent album of this year, AM, before delivering a characterful reading.

Perhaps a respectful reply video from The Arctic Monkeys is in order – with Alex Turner reciting I Married A Monster From Outer Space? We’re saying nowt!