Manuel Göttsching’s Ambient Adventures

ASH RA TEMPEL’S visionary guitarist and electronische pioneer Manuel Göttsching plays London tomorrow for the first time in 13 years, bringing a one-man live set to East London’s Oval Space venue, co-promoted by Need2Soul. After delivering brain-frying Krautpsych over five studio albums with Ash Ra Tempel, Göttsching changed down a gear for more synthy, meditative records as Ashra, before minting the ageless, chess-themed proto-techno benchmark, E2-E4, as a solo artist in 1984.

Here he is as Ashra in 1981 on prog-friendly Spanish TV rock show, Musical Express, helming a gorgeous, billowy soundscape with his trademark Gibson SG.


And just in case you were wondering if Göttsching had maybe adopted a more extrovert onstage presence in his advancing years, here he is in 2012, playing E2-E4 live, with appealingly analog vizhuwels by Rod Maclachlan.

And if you’re paying your respects tomorrow, do come back and tell us how it was for you…

Pictures © MG.ART