Rats On Rafts Finally Share Their ‘Powder’
About to return with their second album in ten years, listen to the Dutch indie-psychpunks' new single.
ROTTERDAM’S RATS ON RAFTS can be very picky about what music they release.
Featuring in our current issue (October 2015 / #263) in the MOJO Rising Section, the band proclaim their disinterest in “the self-absorbed hype to release everything you record. We’d rather release things we think are worthwhile”.
It explains why Tape Hiss, released on October 16, is only their second full album in ten years of existence, and why we’re considering this opportunity to hear their forthcoming single, Powder Monkey, exclusively via MOJO, as something of a special occasion.
It’s a fuzzy, noisy affair, one perhaps the US post-punk class of 1985 din-makers would approve of.
Get the latest MOJO, on sale now, as Noise ’85 and Rats On Rafts are discussed at greater length, but for now here’s the latter’s new single.